I just had to pop on and jot these down -- this is basically my baby book, after all!
shoe ("dooooo") -- she also picked up the baby sign for this
boot ("booooo" or "bot")
boo -- as in peekaboo, usually said from her carseat when she sees me in the mirror
more ("moe") -- accompanied by the sign
bye-bye -- she's been doing this for a week or two, but with more regularity now, and also says it when she sees us putting on our coats, when people leave our house, or when we leave somewhere
please ("peeeees") -- she also does her version of the baby sign of this one
bath ("baaaah")
moose ("moo" or "muh")
moo -- what she says when she sees a cow or a gallon of milk
kitty -- ("tee")
balloon -- ("boon")
no -- ("nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh") -- frequently uttered when she's doing something she shouldn't be, like moving toward a power cord or reaching for daddy's receiver
I think there are probably more -- "moe" :p -- but they're not coming to mind right now. I'll update this if I think of others.
added 3/18:
mouse -- "mouw"
magazines -- "mee mee"
socks -- "docks"
she's also repeating everything, which is funny:
come see me -- "mee mee"
mailman -- "may mannn"