Monday, October 20, 2008

Status quo

I haven't had a whole lot to write about lately. Olivia's sleeping is still ok -- she wakes up once or twice during the night -- so I can't complain there. She's of course exceptionally cute ;) and never fails to make us laugh every day. Some of her new skills:

speed crawling -- she crawls with one hand flat and the other balled in a fist; she puts her right leg out in front of her and then sort of drags the back leg. But she's speedy!

semi-standing -- without holding on to anything, she tries to stand up. It terrifies me to watch, but she looks very proud of herself.

playing telephone -- I have video of her talking through a wrapping paper tube to daddy. She's a riot.

I should also add gagging and vomiting to the list! She's not loving the finger foods thing (other than puffs -- she shrieks when she sees the container). I tried giving her a few pieces of very small green beans and potatoes the other night, and *urp* they came back up. We had our photos taken outside this weekend, and she stuck a leaf in her mouth before we could stop her. See where this is going? Yep, barf city. Thankfully I was able to clean her up with wipes so we could go on with the shoot. I have vomit issues, so I'm not really fond of this phase.
I'll get some video uploaded this week and post pictures from our shoot this weekend when we get the proofs back. In the meantime ...
Boxes are fun!

Gnawing on a hunk of bread at the Cheesecake Factory:

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