Monday, July 7, 2008

more stupid people encounters

We were at the grocery store and an old-ish man -- maybe 70 or so? -- walked by our cart. He looks at Olivia, bends down and gets in her face, and says, "Awwww! Did mommy hit you in the head because you were naughty?" I just sighed and gave my standard, "It's a birthmark." in my I-really-shouldn't-have-to-be-explaining-this-to-you exasperated tone and started to walk away. He said something about how Olivia was flirty (which can be true, but she wouldn't even look at this guy) and how she should watch out, because look where being flirty got me (pointing to baby and waggling his eyebrows). Uh, ok. Yuck. Of course, this is the same grocery store where the man yelled, "I know what you been doin'! You been screwin'!" at me when I was still pregnant, so I guess I shouldn't expect much.

We had a busy day -- went to Target in search of swimsuits for us both. I found one that will pass, though I'm still dreading having to get on the beach in my ghost-white and flabby state. They didn't have any suits for her, because they only sell them starting in 12-month sizes. I guess The Great Bullseye thinks younger babies shouldn't swim? After that we went to the grocery store, then stopped home before driving across town for my first chiropractor appointment. She was really well behaved all day despite being dragged around town for hours, though I decided that the next time I go to the chiro, I'll leave her home with my mom so I can enjoy the 10 minutes of relaxing with a heating pad on my back. ;)

I just realized that today is her 5-month birthday! I'll post again once I get some pictures taken and uploaded.

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