Wednesday, July 23, 2008

We survived!

We drove straight through from North Carolina to Indianapolis on Sunday -- we just wanted to get home rather than lug all of our stuff from the car to a hotel room and then have to repack the car the next morning. Thankfully, it wasn't a bad trip and Olivia did really well. We stopped every 2 hours to change her diaper and let her stretch her legs a little, and one of us sat in the back with her the entire time to feed her/hand her toys/entertain her. The things that worked to entertain her were as follows: as I mentioned before, the singing of "Old MacDonald" over and over -- but the animal generally has to be "cow" to be best received; burping/pretending to burp/saying the word "burp"; saying "ack-a-lacka-lacka-loo" (don't ask me how I came up with that, because I have no idea!); playing peek-a-boo. We left at 6:30 a.m. and arrived home at 9:30 p.m. The cats were thrilled to see us, and we were obviously really happy to be out of the car. It took me over an hour of lying in bed before it didn't feel like I was racing down the highway when I shut my eyes.

She's up from another one of her illustrious 30-minute naps, so I need to run. More vacation details later.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Welcome home! Sounds like quite the adventure!