8:00 - bed
11:00 - wakes up babbling and laughing
11:15 - the crying begins
11:20 - drinks a bottle
11:30 - wide awake
midnight - wide awake
12:30 - wide awake
1:00 - wide awake
See where I'm going with this? At 1:15 she started looking somewhat sleepy, so I put her in her crib and crawled into bed, praying that she would stay asleep. Then she woke up at 6:58 a.m. Oooooooof.
And one of the cats hurled up their breakfast on O's play mat. Ugh. Nothing like cleaning up barf before breakfast.
In other Olivia news, lately when I ask her to say mommy, she grins and yells, "DA DA!" Stinker. The tooth to the left of her left front tooth finally broke through, and her fourth bottom tooth finally showed up (so much for that oh-so-helpful woman telling me it was never going to come in if it hadn't by now). Hopefully that's it for the teething for a while ... but what's causing the sleep disturbance?
I will try to commiserate....but it's hard given the only way Solomon will sleep in his bassinet is if I roll it next to the bed and physically hold a pacifier in his mouth. ;) I'm sotty, it seems like they all make the sleep jouney in a wavy line that sometimes doubles back on itself. I'm hoping she gets back on track soon!
Baby-wrestling. It's the next big thing. Mickey Rourke already has his agent looking for a script.
Oh no! If it makes you feel any better, it seems like there are several kids having off nights this week. Time to check the moon! ;)
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