Friday, August 15, 2008

5:39 a.m. Feels like the old days again.

I don't know what's going on, but she's wide awake. I tried the usual feeding her back to sleep trick that has worked every time for months, but she was having none of it: craning her neck to look at daddy, cooing, trying to flip over in my arms, and squirming so much that I finally just gave up and got out of bed. The annoying thing is that at some point in the night I lost my glasses (I sleep with them on most of the time because she wakes up so much - a poor girl's form of LASIK, I guess), so I had to get up and put in my contacts to be able to see.

She's playing on her playmat right now, happy as can be. I'm hoping she gets sleepy soon, because I know at least one person in this house who would like a little more shut-eye.

UPDATE: she went back to sleep at 6:30 and slept in her pack n' play until 8:00. We got up, I ingested a large amount of diet coke, and she was back asleep by 9:30. Woke up at 10:00, I gave her some oatmeal and bananas, and then she got fussy at 11:30. Put her down, and she's been sleeping ever since -- it's almost 1:30 p.m. Unreal. I'm hoping this is just an uncharacteristically long nap and that she's not getting sick.

UPDATE #2: I found my glasses later in her pack n' play. Apparently when I bent over to pick her up, they fell off my face and I didn't even notice. Now that is exhaustion!


Betseeee said...

Isn't it funny (but not in the ha-ha sense) that you lament every day they take a short nap, and then the one day she actually takes the wonderful long nap you wish for, all you can do is wonder if something is wrong? And if you're like me, you didn't get anything done during the nap because you were convinced she was going to wake up "any minute" the entire time, right?

Vanessa said...

Perhaps it's a growth spurt? Being up at 5:39 am SUCKS.