Monday, August 18, 2008


Olivia really makes us work for laughs. It usually takes us acting our silliest, or accidentally stumbling across something random that she finds amusing (such as me saying "baby! baby! baby!" while bouncing her up and down) to get her to laugh. I think she's a happy baby in general, though she seems to lean more toward being studious/observant rather than happy go lucky.

So today, while wandering around Babies R Us just to get out of the house for a bit, it was amazing to me to hear her laugh in practically every aisle. A picture of a baby on a sign on the endcap? So funny! A Cookie Monster stuffed animal? Uproarious! A three-eyed plush trick-or-treating bucket for Halloween? Total hilarity! It took all the restraint I could muster not to buy everything that she found funny (though I could always go back tomorrow). ;)

She really likes oatmeal these days, and swallows most of what we put in her mouth. Please note that she's managed to get some onto her eyelashes here. She's quite talented at making fabulous messes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOOK AT THOSE GORGEOUS EYES!!! I'm shouting and I just don't care. :P