Monday, August 11, 2008

6-month ped appointment today

The pediatrician said she had a really good growth spurt between her 4- and 6-month appointments. She weighs 15 pounds, 10 ounces (approx. 45th percentile for weight) and is 28 inches long (98th percentile for height). An online calculator also informed me that her noggin, at 43 cm, is in the 95th percentile. Big girl! He didn't give me a hard time about her sleeping habits or lack thereof, and suggested I try to stretch her feedings out to every 3 hours so that her stomach is really empty and she'll eat more at a time. He'd like to see her eat 6 ounces per feeding at this age, so we'll work on that. Thankfully, he didn't tell me I needed to make her cry it out (not that I would) -- he said she's probably waking up so much because she's hungry.

She demonstrated her feisty side for Dr. Jim, going into total freakout mode when he dared try to look into her ears and nose. She also did her trademark crocodile flip when he attempted to get her on her back so he could listen to her heart and check her diaper area. Good times were had by all! :p She got three shots and her last rotavirus oral vaccine, none of which she enjoyed. Dr. Jim said he predicts she'll be an early crawler based on how well she's sitting up and getting around. It wouldn't surprise me -- she's really trying hard to crawl. Time to start thinking about childproofing, and fast!


Vanessa said...

I'm so glad Olivia didn't hold back for the doctor! That's so funny. Yay for a healthy baby girl!

Unknown said...

Way to go, O! Make that doctor work for his salary. Glad to hear she is so well! Are you archiving your favorite products over there on the left? I'm sure I've missed some I'd like to see.

Betseeee said...

Yay big strong girl! I'm glad she had such a positive visit.