Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Olivia said ba ba ba today! This probably isn't big news, but I was excited to hear it. My "What to Expect: The First Year" (subtitle: a million expert ways to worry about your baby) book said that she should be doing that last month. She's very verbal, shrieking and yelling and talking most of the day, but she hadn't strung together any consonants yet.

The new skill must have worn her out, because she's in the middle of a 1.5-hour (so far) nap. It's a good day.


Vanessa said...

Owen's totally behind because he has yet to string the sounds together. He sure does talk a bunch, though.

1.5 hour nap?! Awesome!!

Unknown said...

How exciting! Before you know it, she'll be telling you all about her day.