Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First good night in a long time

She went to bed at 9 p.m., woke up around 10 and had a small bottle, woke up again at 10:30 and was able to go back to sleep without being picked up ... and then slept in her crib until 3 a.m.! I'm kicking myself now for not going to bed at 10:30, but I was convinced she'd be awake at any time. She had a bottle at 3 a.m. and then slept in her pack n' play until 6, had another bottle and snoozed with me in bed until 8. I feel somewhat human and well rested right now, which is an odd feeling. Out of the five bottles I took upstairs in the cooler, we had three left this morning. I think that's a new record. If this keeps up, I'll be a really happy woman. Knock on wood. ;)

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